Mohammed Abunahel
April 9, 2024

Reframing the narrative: examining the description of the Palestinian national struggle with Israel

It is well known that the current occupation of Palestine is now described as the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”  One must ask how an occupation lasting for more than 76 years can be described as conflict.

The Palestinian national struggle with Israel is neither an argumentative case (prone to argument or dispute) nor a controversial case (a debate or discussion of opposing opinions). Additionally, this term – “Israeli-Palestinian conflict” -is used to avoid taking sides or assigning blame.

According to Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, “conflict” is “a situation in which there are ideas, opinions, feelings or wishes that are opposed to each other; a situation in which it is difficult to choose”. While “The Slow Factory”, a non-profit organisation, points out, “a conflict means there is equal footing”.  

This article will shed light on the hidden meaning of the terms “Israeli-Palestinian conflict,”or “Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”  Both terms are a deadly tool to kill the rights of the Palestinian people.

To sustain the Palestinian rights and inspiration, the term, “The Palestinian national struggle with Israel,” must be used.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Using this term shows multiple dimensions of the Israeli occupation. The fact that Israel has occupied Palestine originated with the infamous Balfour Declaration, which gave a significant portion of Palestine away to those to whom it was not entitled, by those who did not have the right to give it. This is nothing more or less than a usurpation of the land and expulsion of the people.

By using the term “conflict,”we are omitting Israel, the oppressor and colonizer, and Palestine, the oppressed and colonized. It glosses over the systemic injustices, displacement,and dispossession experienced by the Palestinian people over the decades.

Furthermore, using “conflict”reinforces the narrative that what is happening in Palestine is a clash between two equal parties, and disregards the vast power disparities and asymmetrical dynamics at play. Employing “conflict” as a descriptive term risks diminishing Israel's culpability for its enduring occupation of Palestine.

Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Using the term “Palestinian-Israeli conflict” has different interpretations. Foregrounding the Palestinians at the beginning indicates that the Palestinians are the aggressors and the Israelis are the victims. Notably, foregrounding the Palestinians does not acknowledge the Palestinian narrative, aspirations, or grievances. Moreover, it frames the Palestinian struggle in accordance with the Israeli narratives. Importantly, it indicates that Palestinians are primarily at the core of the conflict.

Palestinian national struggle with Israel

This term highlights the perspective of the Palestinian people and emphasises the Palestinian point of view as they assert their national aspirations and rights. This includes, to name a just few, statehood, self-determination, the right of return, and their freedom, independence, and liberation from occupation. Therefore, the term's significance goes beyond what it literally means since it includes the history of the Palestinian people.

According to Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, “struggle” as a verb means “to fight against somebody/something in order to prevent a bad situation or result”.  Is not the struggle by the Palestinian people with Israel to prevent Israeli aggression, land annexation, and forced expulsion of people, as in the extreme case right now in Gaza, and throughout the rest of Palestine, ongoing?

The word “struggle” connotes an endeavour that has been going on for a long time, and still continues, in order to resolve political, social,and territorial problems. In other words, it connotes an ongoing battle for justice. Furthermore, it recognises the Palestinian narrative of displacement,dispossession, and statelessness, as well as the desire for the establishment of their own sovereign state.

This term also carries additional,different connotations. It elicits feelings of solidarity with the Palestinians and support for their rights. This term asserts the Palestinians right to defend themselves and emphasises the Palestinian resistance. Finally, it ensures the long history of struggle that confirms the Palestinian narratives and aspirations.

In conclusion, the terminology used to describe the Israeli occupation of Palestine holds significant implications for how the situation of Palestine is perceived and understood.

The terms “Israeli-Palestinian conflict” and “Palestinian-Israeli conflict” are frequently used; however, both terms fail to accurately capture the asymmetrical power dynamics and historical injustices at play against the Palestinian people.. By framing the situation as a mere “conflict,” these terms obscure Israel's role as the oppressor and colonizer, while downplaying the plight of the Palestinian people.

When the term “Palestinian national struggle with Israel” is used, it more accurately portrays the reality of the situation. It also highlights the Palestinian perspective and the ongoing struggle that they are engaged in to ensure justice, self-determination, and liberation. Moreover, this term acknowledges the historical context of displacement and dispossession faced by Palestinians and underscores their rightful aspirations for statehood and freedom.

Therefore, the term "Palestinian National Struggle with Israel" is the proper way to describe this long-term, tragic situation.